Detox Diet: 3 Reasons You Should Be Cleansing Now

By: revoe

Detox Diet: 3 Reasons You Should Be Cleansing Now

Article by Cathy Vignola

Your body detox itself everyday by neutralizing and eliminating toxins through your organs. So why should you be on a Detox Diet?

Think about it.

We are now living in a polluted and “chemicalized” world. The truth is that we are actually destroying our planet. Let’s not do the same with our bodies.

A Detox Diet against toxins found in the air. Let’s face it. We are struggling under multiple environmental toxins with each breath we take.

In 2002, US facilities released 4.7 billion pounds of toxins into the atmosphere. What worse is that 72 million pounds were known carcinogen.

And that’s not all.

We now need to worry about global air pollution. Studies show an alarming amount of made-in-China pollution rides to America on the jet stream and ends up in our lungs.

Want more?

Gasoline and diesel fuels contain toxic substances that can cause adverse health effects in people. Diesel exhaust is particularly concerning as it contains over 40 different substances identified as toxic air contaminants that have been linked to lung cancer.

Listen: Not only diseases that come with aging such as cardiovascular diseases, most cancers and arthritis, but also premature deaths have been shown to be associated with air pollution.

A Detox Diet against toxins found in water. “Chemicalized” water is one of the factors that causes toxic overload. Here are some of the substances you may be drinking on a daily basis: chlorine, fluoride, pesticides, chemicals and heavy metals used by industry and agriculture, just to mention a few.

A Detox Diet against toxins found in the food chain. First, you got to know that chemicals released by coal-fired power plants found their way into the food chain. Once released into the atmosphere, mercury, a highly toxic metal, settles in lakes and rivers, where it moves up the food chain to us.

Well guess what?

10 percent of American women carry mercury concentrations that can put a fetus at risk for neurological damage. Exposure to high levels of mercury can also harm our brains, hearts, kidneys, lungs and immune systems.

On top of that, commercially grown food is loaded with pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. With developing immune and nervous systems, children are the most susceptible victims.

Research found that 84 percent of fruits and vegetables given to children at school contain one pesticide and 65 percent of the samples contain two or more pesticides.

Every day an estimated 1 million children eat or drink unsafe levels of chemicals from food.

These poisons used in modern farming are known to cause cancer, cause birth defects and infertility, and damage nervous systems.

Listen to that paradox: We have banned some chemicals here in America such as DDT, chlorobenzilate, hexachloro, and aldrin, just to name a few.

Well guess what?

Those same toxic chemicals are found in commercially grown foods from developing countries like Mexico and imported right back here. Know that more than half of winter produce comes from Mexico.

I’m sure you had enough.

In conclusion, our bodies that were once capable of clearing daily exposure to toxins are now completely overloaded. When the toxic load reaches this point, damage to the immune, neurological, and endocrine systems can occur.

While this all seems overwhelming, there are ways to approach the problem. A Detox Diet two to four times a year will make a huge difference not only for your health and the quality of your life, but also for the future of your children.

About the Author

Cathy Vignola ( is a staunch advocate for healthy living and for an energized, productive lifestyle. As a certified Holistic Health Counselor accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP), she has the qualifications to make proper suggestions on virtually anything limiting your body’s full potential.

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