7 Best Way to Lose Weight in a Week

By: revoe

7 Best Way to Lose Weight in a Week

Article by Caizechong

Are there any healthy diets for weight loss out there? This particular question has crossed the mind of every individual that has ever attempted to lose weight. Basically, how fast can you lose weight depends on how you go about your calorie intake and calorie burning. This is the single-most important principle behind weight loss. Let us look at the various factors which contribute towards weight loss:

1. Follow a diet plan that is rich in fiber, extremely low in fat, moderately low in carbohydrates and moderately high in protein. In simple words, opt for a lot of salads and green leafy vegetables. Avoid all oily and fried foods, cut down on the rice, and replace red meat with high-protein stuff like fish. Above all, drink lots and lots of water as it helps to cleanse and detoxify your system.

2. Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, tangerines, etc., that have vitamin C. This vitamin C helps in reducing the content of fats in the body by diluting them resulting in quick weight loss. This vitamin is also effective for reducing the cholesterol in the body.

3. Try a detox. To lose weight in one week, the lemonade diet detox and the detox diet are quick ways to kick-start your metabolism and reduce pounds. A detox consists of water, fruits and vegetables used to cleanse the body of impurities to trigger immediate weight loss. Although detox approaches vary, weight loss can vary between 2 to 3 pounds to more than 10 pounds.

4. Along with the food that you eat, you also have to be very particular with how you consume it. Take note: the key to burn fat fast is to never go hungry. If possible, eat six meals per day, each timed strategically at instances that you know you’ll experience hunger.

The meals have in small proportions; you must never get too full or otherwise. The idea behind this is to never let your metabolism stop. It has to be in constant motion.

5. Yoga: Yoga has a significant role to play in weight loss. There are certain specific asanas which, along with other benefits, also result in healthy weight loss. Ashtanga yoga, Bikram yoga, and certain Pranayam techniques like kapalbhati and bhasrika pranayam are known to play a major role in shedding those extra pounds.

6. Egg, though believed to increase weight, works better at reducing weight. How? Well eggs are high on proteins and those who eat an egg in the morning, eat less during the day as they feel full. This helps in weight loss.

7. Cleanse your colon. Hydrotherapy of the colon is a treatment that Hollywood celebrities use to lose weight fast. A gentle stream of water mixed with herbs and laxative agents helps loosen hardened feces in the colon. Some faithful users claim that a colonic treatment can drop 5 pounds after one session.

About the Author

Author is an online researcher on natural weight loss. Nutritionist. Click read more on weight loss tips, how to lose belly fat.

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